President and Chairman in Council
Attain Your Potentials, Enroll In IRAMN Courses And Programmes
Making A Presentation
Elected As Deputy Speaker, House of Reps Nigeria
the Vice Chancellor Of Borno State University been
decorated by IRAMN Registrar
Dr Liman- Former Controller-General of Fire Service
At An IRAMN Event
of Borno State University At An IRAMN Event

Increase your Administrative Competences Via IRAMN courses
Institute of Registered Administrative Managers of Nigeria also known as Council of Registered Administrative Managers of Nigeria, is established under the Act 1 Cap 59 of 1990 as limited by Guarantee Company. The Institute establishment is bore out of interest of her promoters to advance the practice of Administrative Management (a staff function of management which emphases organization, system, procedures, and methods). Promoters and management of the Institute are aware that “Knowledge custodians should be socially responsible in knowledge use; hence, a call to professionalism is a call to an obligation on when and how knowledge is applied. Otherwise, the evils of free market societies will be echoed at the expense of good tidings of capitalism”. As such, as an Institute, it creates platform that seeks to promote her members’ intellectual and professional insight. This is to apart from updating members knowledge and skills on trending competence, also constantly, put in their consciousness that their success shall be valued if their professional prowess imparted positively on their physical and social environments, while at same time balancing other stakeholders’ interest.

It’s Time To Justify Your Administrative Skills With IRAMN’s Certification
Long Range Training (Professional Education)
These are long range study and examination courses with duration ranging from six (6) to thirty-six (36) months
Professional Membership Qualifying Examination (PMQE)
Administrative Skill Learning and Certification Course (ASLCC)

Discover our Programmes
The Institute knows that the quality of her members shall determine to what extent she can realize her mission of being the most referred on matters relating to the profession. Hence, since inception of activities of the Institute, she has being sponsoring several capacities enhancing platforms for her members and the general public. kindly choose from any of the certified listed programmes below

Students testimonials
If not for IRAMN, my bachelor’s degree won’t have been possible – Daniel. I
IRAMN makes you excellent in management and distinctive in administration – Dr Oboigbe
IRAMN’ s membership certificate gave me an edge in my selection as the Rector – Dr Snepps
I got the best in Business Administration courtesy of IRAMN Programmes – David Diwa Abdullahi

IRAMN Unleashes The Academic And Administrative Potentials In You
Specialized Short Range Training
These are short term courses of five (5) days maximum duration
Members Continuous Professional Development Programmes (MCPDP
MCPDP is part of the Institute's effort at updating her member's knowledge and skills in Organization System Management.
In-Plant (House) Training
These are short range trainings that are held in two to four days. They are tailored to meet specific industry needs.

Our latest news
The Institute of Registered Administrative Managers of Nigeria (IRAMN) presents Dr Ahmed Abubakar Audi, f.inst.AM the Commandant General of Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps as the 4th President and Chairman in Council of the Institute of Registered Administrative Managers of Nigeria. Read More
Rt Hon. Benjamin Kalu, a member of IRAMN since 2011, elected as Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives of the 10th National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Read More
No. 7A Junction Road By Sardauna Crescent Kaduna, Nigeria
Office Open Hours
Monday – Friday
8Am – 6Pm
Saturday 9Am – 5Pm