Federal Ministry of Justice
The Institute of Registered Administrative Managers of Nigeria is a professional Institute which is established principally to promote the practice of Administrative Management in Nigeria. This mandate of manpower development in Administrative practices is given through the Office of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the Federation, upon ratification of her objectives by the Federal Executive Council in the year 2005.
Universities Affiliation
The Institute has affiliation with Five(5) recognized Universities. Through these affiliations, graduates of the Institutes Diplomas Academic collaborations. Through these affiliations, graduates of the Institute’s Ordinary, Advanced and Post graduate Diplomas enjoy academic course work transfer for award of Bachelor and Master’s Degrees. Hence, they are mobilised for National Youth Services in Nigeria. In this regard, the Institute currently has
Center for Management Certification
To meet the expectation of regulatory regimes in Nigeria in terms of Training and Development, the Institute sought and got the Center for Management Development Certification. This has further Institute credentials and capacity to continue to offer world class management consultancy to international, national, sub-national and private organisations.