Professional Advance Diploma In Administrative Management (AD.AM)
Professional Advanced Diploma In Administrative Management (AD.AM)
Following the success of the Institute’s ordinary diploma and need to provide training progression for its graduates, resulted in the establishment of IRAMN advanced diploma. The programme structure is based on the recommendation of academic board submitted to the Governing Council of the Institute August 2007.
In February 2008, the Institute first Advanced Diploma examination was hosted by the Department of Business Administration whch was then headed by Dr. Aliyu Mamman, M.inst.AM. Thirty- Five candidates sat for the examination, enrolment into the programme now stands at One Hundred and Seventy – Five students.
The coursework of advanced diploma is designed to provide further educational opportunities for graduates of Ordinary Diploma in Management and other related disciplines for increased learning which shall provide opportunities for employment to higher responsibilities or for growth in existing employment.
Also, it is expected that graduates of the Advanced Diploma shall seek further educational opportunities in Polytechnics and Universities.
Curriculum Design
The programme curriculum is built to provide further professional training to Ordinary diploma graduates of the Institute. Hence, it’s based on foundation provided by coursework of Ordinary Diploma of the Institute and institutions offering similar qualification. Its content is approximated to bench mark academic standard for advanced diploma.
The advanced diploma is structured along two management functionality. i.e. Public Administration and Marketing. This is to provide specialization opportunity at this level that shall guide its grandaunts on choice of career and further studies.
See Paragraph 9.5 for programme outline as it currently run.
Admission Requirements:
Students must fulfill admission requirement for Advanced Diploma programmes. Specifically, students must possess recognised Ordinary Diploma, National Diploma, intermediate certificates of other professional Institutes such as CIA, ICAN, CIBN, IESAM, ICEN, NIMN, NIM etc.
Advanced Diploma In Administrative Management Course Outline
Compulsory Section
Code Subject Credit Hours
AD101 Systems and Information Technology 2
AD102 Organisational Behavioral Studies 2
AD103 Managing People and Training 2
AD104 Meetings and Corporate Law 3
AD105 Small Scale Business Management 2
AD106 Public Finance 2
Research Methodology
Marketing Option
MKT101 Consumer Behavior 2
MKT102 Marketing Research 2
MKT103 Product Development and Management 2
MKT104 Industrial and Service Marketing 2
MKT105 Marketing Management and Cases 3
MKT106 Marketing Communication 2
Public Administration Option
PUB101 Public Health Administration 2
PUB102 Human Resource Management 2
PUB103 Co-operative and Community Development 2
PUB104 Local Government Administrative and Finance 2
PUB105 Government Accounting 2
PUB106 Public Policy Analysis 2
Please refer to appendix four for detailed syllabus of the programme
The programme is structured into two parts, first part being compulsory and second part of marketing or public administration specialization options is expected to take an average student twelve (12) calendar months to complete