Professional Education Programmes -PEP
The Institute’s professional education programmes (PEP) are of two categories:
3.1) Specialized Short Range Programmes
3.2) Long Range Training Programmes
3.1) Specialized Short Range Training: These are short term courses of five (5) days maximum duration. These include Administrative Professionals Annual National Conference, Members Continuous Professional Development Courses organized within and outside Nigeria, In-house training for organization (a few time free training as practice advocacy of the Institute).
A schedule of training is usually published three months precedent to a new calendar year. This is promptly communicated to stakeholders.
- a) Members Continuous Professional Development Programmes (MCPDP)
MCPDP is part of the Institute’s effort at updating her member’s knowledge and skills in Organization System Management, Job Analysis, Meetings Management, Office Information and Records, Project Management and Human Resource Management.
The Institute shall be swift to relevant request by organizations for her yearly schedule of training.
- b) In-Plant (House) Training
These are short range trainings that are held in two to four days. They are tailored to meet specific industry needs. Their scope cut across general management, project management, finance, report writing, office practice, meetings management etc.
National Conference of Administrative Professionals
The Institute instituted an Annual National Conference of Administrative Professionals which provides a platform for members and other practitioners to deliberate on practice areas, especially government policies as they relate to the profession. Serving and retired administrative professionals are involved to share their experiences on a conference theme. .The deliberation of the Conference theme always commences with theoretical exposition by erudite scholars. Outcomes of these conferences create wide ranges of scholarly and practice position for the Institute. Whenever there is overriding practice need for the wellbeing of the profession, The Institute offers these resources materials as part of the Institute’s practice advocacy efforts.
The Institute’s in-plant training provides opportunity for research and hand on exposure.
These are long range study and examination courses with duration ranging from six (6) to thirty-six (36) months. (Click on each link to open the page) These are:
a.) Professional Membership Qualifying Examination (PMQE)
b.) Administrative Skill Learning and Certification Course ASLCC
c.) Professional Post Graduate Diploma in Administrative Management
d.) Professional Advanced Diploma