The primary objective of the Institute is to have an association of men and women who are equipped and constantly keeping themselves abreast with evolving skills, knowledge and experiences in management and administrative practices. These competences are encouraged to be applied by members to their individual and corporate administrative schedules for the ultimate well being of the society. Hereunder are some objectives that the Institute is statutory empowered to achieve: a.)To promote and develop for the public benefit, the art and science of Administrative Management. b.)To provide an organization that is national and international in scope for all Administrative Managers in Ministries, Parastatal, and Corporations, Private and Public organizations. c.)To help bring to the consciousness of small and medium scale enterprises the desirability of information management for effective administrative management decision making purposes. d.)To hold examination in Administrative Management and other allied subjects relevant to the profession and to issue certificates of merit on result thereof and to make other awards as desirable. e.)To promote and encourage the study of Administrative Management, so as to increase it knowledge and skills for better practice. f.)To collaborate with any organization that has similar objective as the Institute for overall promotion of the profession. g.)To hold conferences, seminars, symposia and other meetings pertaining to discussions of administrative management.